Monday, November 12, 2007

Xi'an 第二次

CET took us to Xi'an again, home of the Teracotta Soldiers. Well, I bet you can guess what we did:

No, but for real, we had a great time this time. The weather wasn't as cold as Beijing's (have a 30% chance of snow this week) and it didn't rain, so life is good. We participated in a little compeition that had us race around Xi'an completing tasks. The first one was to ride a tandem bicycle on top of the city wall.

As you may see, he is much taller than me and I couldn't see anything when we were pedalling like all get out.

After riding the bikes we got a little hungry so we ate a Xi'an speciality. I really don't know what exactly it is, but it is good. It's like rice, but not, more of a paste of some kind that is steamed. The colors are sugar. Yummm. Served piping hot and fresh.

Another task required us to meet with a local folk painter. Here we are inside his shop. I returned the next day and bought a few little paintings that you see on the table.

That night we went back to the fountains in front of the Big Goose Pagoda. These fountains are synchronized with lights and music. If you're relatively new to my blog, then you wouldn't know that I had quite an embarrassing experience at these fountains in July. Go back and take a read.

The next day we made it back to the Terracotta Warriors, only to find out one of the 3 pits housing the warriors closed only a week earlier for further excavations.

I took this picture so you can see how detailed the soldiers are. This soldier has hair and a braid. I believe that no two soldiers are alike in clothes, posture, stature, etc... That's quite amazing considering that this one pit houses 6,000 warriors.

A Snickers break on the train on the way home. Actually, I ate my very first Snickers bar on the train during fall break, and since then, I've had a little "tradition" to eat a Snickers every time I'm on a train.

Only 2 KFC pics total. I think that tells you something about Xi'an.

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