Wednesday, November 14, 2007

独生子女政策- One Child Policy

Fact: In order to combat overpopulation issues, the Chinese government has a law that limits the number of children each couple can have: 1.

Fiction: This is such a horrible human rights issue that China needs to change

Reality: I originally thought that this was just that, a horrible human rights violation. How dare a government tell its people that they can only have one child, right? Wrong. The complete provisions of the law are as follows:
- You may only have one child (with exception of twins, etc...)
- If you "choose" to have more than one child, you must pay a nominal tax for every additional child.
- If you live in the country, you can have as many children as you like. This is to counteract the practice of aborting girl fetuses because a boy is much more valuable to a country family. In the city, this type of sexism is no longer a problem, thus, cityfolk are subjected to the one-house-one-child policy. If you do not want to pay the tax, you move to the country.

Ok, I hope I don't sound too liberal, but...
I no longer am against this policy, actually, I think I support it now. Americans are in a huge pickle. We lambast China for their human rights abuses (such as One Child Policy), yet we fear the rise of China, and we should. 1 in 4 people in the world are Chinese. The world's resources are depleating at rapid rates and the world simply cannot support human life for a whole lot longer. God forbid if an epidemic disease comes around and knocks off part of the population, but if we keep populating the way that we are, drastic measures will need to be taken in the future, one of which could quite possibly be a world-wide support of limiting the number of kids people have. Yes, there are obvious blocks, such as democracy and religion (damn them! (just kidding)), so why would we criticize a country that is seemingly willing to curb this problem? The Chinese, culturally and religiously, have no problem with limiting and planning their families, so I say go ahead and let them do it. Yes, I understand this law doesn't leave a whole lot up to individual couple's choice, but I think it is engrained the in culture and why should we mess with it?!?

Just some food for thought...


Anonymous said...

Another way to limit a population explosion is to promote a homosexual lifestyle like we do here! They stole my rainbow - i will never forgive them for that.


Tammie said...

ben has the idea down. i thought youd support the policy anyway...only to limit the number of children in the world.