Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Tuole kuzi fangpi.

That, my friends, is the name of today's lesson in my 260 class. What does it mean, you ask? Litterally translated it means: "Take off your pants to fart." Not joking, I do not joke.

Why is this a chinese suhua, or saying? Well, apparently the hidden meaning is 画蛇添足(hua she tian zu), or "Draw a snake and add feet to it." If that's not clear enough for you, here it is in spelled out fully in English:

"Don't ruin the effect by adding something supurflous."

So, my friends, please keep your pants on.


PS- Started The Alchemist yesterday... I think it's going to be a great book.

PPS- Just have 2 more episodes of the first season of 24 to go!

PPS- It has totally escaped me that today is Sept 11.

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